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Signing Naturally Homework Answers Unit 4 Construction Removal

Signing Naturally Homework Answers Unit 4 Construction Removal

If you are taking an American Sign Language (ASL) course and you are using the Signing Naturally curriculum, you may be looking for some help with your homework assignments. Signing Naturally is a popular and effective way to learn ASL, but it can also be challenging and time-consuming. That's why we have created this article to provide you with some tips and resources for finding Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal.

Signing Naturally Homework Answers Unit 4 construction removal

What is Signing Naturally Unit 4?

Signing Naturally Unit 4 is one of the units in the Signing Naturally curriculum, which is designed to teach ASL to beginners and intermediate learners. Signing Naturally Unit 4 focuses on how to talk about your family and friends in ASL, including how to describe their appearance, personality, relationship, and life events. Signing Naturally Unit 4 also covers some important aspects of ASL grammar, such as how to use lexical verbs, non-manual markers, classifiers, and spatial agreement.

What is construction removal?

Construction removal is a term used in Signing Naturally Unit 4 to describe a process of simplifying complex sentences in ASL by removing unnecessary words or signs. For example, instead of signing "MY SISTER SHE MARRIED", you can sign "MY SISTER MARRIED" by removing the pronoun "SHE". Construction removal helps you to make your signing more fluent and natural, as well as more consistent with Deaf culture and norms.

How to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal?

There are several ways to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the options you can try:

  • Use online flashcards or quizzes. There are many websites that offer flashcards or quizzes for Signing Naturally Unit 4, such as Quizlet or StuDocu. You can use these tools to review the vocabulary and grammar of Signing Naturally Unit 4, as well as to test your comprehension and production skills. You can also create your own flashcards or quizzes based on your homework questions.

  • Watch online videos or tutorials. There are many videos or tutorials that explain the concepts and skills of Signing Naturally Unit 4, such as YouTube or DawnSignPress. You can watch these videos or tutorials to learn how to sign different words, phrases, sentences, and dialogues in ASL. You can also compare your signing with the examples shown in the videos or tutorials.

  • Ask your instructor or classmates. If you are still stuck with your homework assignments, you can always ask your instructor or classmates for help. You can email them your questions, post them on an online forum, or meet them in person or online. You can also work together with your classmates on your homework assignments and learn from each other.


In this article, we have shown you how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Remember that finding the answers is not enough; you also need to practice and apply what you have learned in order to improve your ASL skills and knowledge. Good luck with your homework assignments and happy signing!

Some examples of Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal

To give you a better idea of how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal, we have provided some examples of homework questions and answers below. Note that these are not the only possible answers; there may be other ways to sign the same or similar sentences in ASL. You should always check your answers with your instructor or classmates to make sure they are correct and appropriate.

Example 1

Homework question: Sign "MY BROTHER HE DIVORCED" using construction removal.


Explanation: To use construction removal, you need to remove the pronoun "HE" from the sentence, as it is not necessary to repeat the subject. You can sign "MY BROTHER DIVORCED" by pointing to your right side with your index finger (to indicate your brother), then signing "DIVORCED" by holding both hands in fists and moving them apart.

Example 2

Homework question: Sign "MY SISTER SHE MARRIED" using construction removal.


Explanation: To use construction removal, you need to remove the pronoun "SHE" from the sentence, as it is not necessary to repeat the subject. You can sign "MY SISTER MARRIED" by pointing to your left side with your index finger (to indicate your sister), then signing "MARRIED" by holding both hands in flat O shapes and tapping them together twice.

Example 3

Homework question: Sign "MY COUSIN HE ADOPTED" using construction removal.


Explanation: To use construction removal, you need to remove the pronoun "HE" from the sentence, as it is not necessary to repeat the subject. You can sign "MY COUSIN ADOPTED" by pointing to your right side with your index finger (to indicate your cousin), then signing "ADOPTED" by holding both hands in C shapes and moving them from your chest to your side.

Some tips and tricks for Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal

Now that you have some examples of how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal, we have some tips and tricks to help you master this skill and improve your ASL proficiency. Here are some of them:

  • Practice, practice, practice. The best way to learn how to use construction removal is to practice it as much as possible. You can practice by doing your homework assignments, watching videos or tutorials, reading books or articles, or having conversations in ASL. The more you practice, the more natural and fluent your signing will become.

  • Use facial expressions and body language. Construction removal is not only about removing words or signs; it is also about using facial expressions and body language to convey meaning and emotion. For example, when signing "MY BROTHER DIVORCED", you can use a sad or disappointed facial expression to show how you feel about it. When signing "MY SISTER MARRIED", you can use a happy or excited facial expression to show your joy. Facial expressions and body language can also help you indicate the topic, the subject, the object, the tense, the mood, and the tone of your sentences.

  • Be consistent and clear. Construction removal is a useful skill, but it can also cause confusion if not used properly. You need to be consistent and clear when using construction removal, so that your listener can understand you easily. For example, if you sign "MY BROTHER DIVORCED" and then "HE HAPPY", your listener may not know who "HE" refers to. You need to either repeat the subject ("MY BROTHER HAPPY") or use a pointing sign ("HE" pointing to your right side) to clarify who you are talking about. You also need to avoid using construction removal when it changes the meaning of the sentence or makes it ambiguous.


In this article, we have shown you how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal. We have provided some examples of homework questions and answers, as well as some tips and tricks for using construction removal effectively. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Remember that construction removal is not only a skill; it is also an art. You need to use it wisely and creatively to make your signing more expressive and natural. Good luck with your homework assignments and happy signing!

Some resources for Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal

In addition to the tips and tricks we have shared with you, we also have some resources that you can use to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal. These resources include websites, books, videos, and apps that can help you learn and practice ASL. Here are some of them:

  • Quizlet. Quizlet is a website and app that allows you to create and study flashcards for various subjects, including ASL. You can find many flashcards for Signing Naturally Unit 4 on Quizlet, or you can create your own. You can also play games and take quizzes to test your knowledge and skills.

  • StuDocu. StuDocu is a website that offers study materials for various courses, including ASL. You can find many documents for Signing Naturally Unit 4 on StuDocu, such as homework answers, notes, summaries, and exams. You can also upload your own documents and share them with other students.

  • YouTube. YouTube is a website and app that allows you to watch and upload videos for various topics, including ASL. You can find many videos for Signing Naturally Unit 4 on YouTube, such as tutorials, explanations, demonstrations, and reviews. You can also subscribe to channels and playlists that offer ASL content.

  • DawnSignPress. DawnSignPress is a website and publisher that offers books, videos, and online courses for ASL. You can find many products for Signing Naturally Unit 4 on DawnSignPress, such as the textbook, the workbook, the DVD, and the e-learning platform. You can also access other resources and services, such as newsletters, blogs, webinars, and workshops.


In this article, we have shown you how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal. We have provided some examples of homework questions and answers, some tips and tricks for using construction removal effectively, and some resources that you can use to learn and practice ASL. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Remember that finding the answers is not enough; you also need to practice and apply what you have learned in order to improve your ASL skills and knowledge. Good luck with your homework assignments and happy signing!


In this article, we have shown you how to find Signing Naturally homework answers unit 4 construction removal. We have provided some examples of homework questions and answers, some tips and tricks for using construction removal effectively, and some resources that you can use to learn and practice ASL. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. Remember that finding the answers is not enough; you also need to practice and apply what you have learned in order to improve your ASL skills and knowledge. Good luck with your homework assignments and happy signing! 6c859133af


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